According to the latest Rasmussen poll, if the election was held today, Specter would no longer be one of the senators representing Pennsylvania. According to the latest polls, Toomey would receive 48% of the vote, Specter 36%, another candidate 4% and the remaining 12% was unsure. Even if Specter got the 12% that was unsure, it would be a dead heat between the two candidates. The stated reason behind Specters switch from proud American™ to a french surrender monkey was that he no longer felt that the party represented him and wanted to see how it was destroy this great nation. The real reason was that he knew the GOP would OK a candidate to run against him in the 2010 primaries. He wanted to continue to get his power fixation that he gets being a senator. Well it appears that now his plan for re-election has ran into a problem. Unless something happens in the next 15 or so months to help his poll numbers, he can kiss his non-single-payer health care out of the window forever and hope his cancer doesn’t come out of remission…
1 year ago