Friday, December 04, 2009
Climategate versus Journalism
* The New York Times sees fit to print leaks, as in the case of Daniel Ellsberg, who illegaly leaked the Pentagon Papers to them, and the ravings of mad men such as Theodore Kaczynski and his treatise entitled "Industrial Society and Its Future". But in the case of Climategate, the New York Times is taking the high moral ground and not publishing them at all.
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Thursday, November 19, 2009
He’s still in office?!?
Basic Combat Training: 9 weeks
Advanced Individual Training: various
Monthly paycheck: $1568.70
Being told “You guys make a pretty good photo op"” by the commander-in-chief: priceless
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Thank you Vets
No I do not mean veterinarians but I mean veterans who’ve served defending this great nation from all enemies foreign and domestic. Last week we found out how close our enemies were and many of our service members paid the ultimate price defending everyone. Thank you for your service to this great nation.
Monday, November 09, 2009
20th Anniversary of the Wall
Today was the 20th anniversary of the Berlin Wall coming down. There was a 1,000 foam tiles that was toppled down like a row of dominos. Our president decided that he didn’t need to attend the anniversary of the West’s greatest achievement since defeating Nazi Germany in 1945. One thing that irked me,well make it two things. First of all the German chancellor praised Mikhail Gorbachev for his “role” in bringing down the “Anti-Fascist Protection Wall” which he really had nothing to do with. Then there was no mention at all of Ronald Reagan, the man who told Gorbachev to “tear down this wall!” Then again, we live in a state of being where there are no heroes, were everyone is the same, were school children don’t see grades anymore or any other from of criticism for it might “hurt” their feelings.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Specter versus Toomey
According to the latest Rasmussen poll, if the election was held today, Specter would no longer be one of the senators representing Pennsylvania. According to the latest polls, Toomey would receive 48% of the vote, Specter 36%, another candidate 4% and the remaining 12% was unsure. Even if Specter got the 12% that was unsure, it would be a dead heat between the two candidates. The stated reason behind Specters switch from proud American™ to a french surrender monkey was that he no longer felt that the party represented him and wanted to see how it was destroy this great nation. The real reason was that he knew the GOP would OK a candidate to run against him in the 2010 primaries. He wanted to continue to get his power fixation that he gets being a senator. Well it appears that now his plan for re-election has ran into a problem. Unless something happens in the next 15 or so months to help his poll numbers, he can kiss his non-single-payer health care out of the window forever and hope his cancer doesn’t come out of remission…
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Greed is Good part deux
Comrade Oliver Stone has recently announced that he would make a prequel (or should it be considered a sequel) to his documentary “Wall Street.” He said he really wanted to show the evilness of Bernie Madoff, and how he created more evil and greed while hurting poor people who trusted him. When asked what characters were going to be in it, Comrade Stone gleefully smiled, “Well of course we will need a Bernie Madoff, more likely he would be a combination of Bernie Madoff and America’s number one traitor, Rush Limbaugh, and of course Gordon Gekko and Bud Fox.” Asked if he had any backers he had in mind for the film, he just nodded, and would want to get people like Comrade-in-arms Tim Geithner, Tom Daschle, Bill Richardson, and Debbie “Fairness Doctrine NOW” Stabenow’s husband. He went on to say about the potential backers, “We have these great Americans flush with money only because they took a stand against George W. Bush and refused to pay their taxes which had the potential to kill millions of innocent islamic terrorists.”
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
The Change Part 1
Obama said he’s going to get rid of the ban on embryonic stem cell research. There is a slight problem with this. Well two problems. Anyhow, the ban was only on using federal monies on the research. It didn’t stop private monies from funding this research. And during the eight years the ban was in place, there was private money spent on embryonic stem cell research. The second problem is, well, unlike the magic gun to cure all they promised it would be, embryonic stem cells failed. Failed miserably to live up to the hype all the scientists claimed they would do. According the scientists, it was supposed to be best thing since sliced bread. It was supposed to cure cancer, AIDS, regrow limbs, send man to the moon, [for real this time – unlike the fake moon landings in the 70s] etc. So all Obama is doing is throwing even more money at stem cells, and I guess that’s going to be another tax increase for me and all Americans who pay taxes. But hey, what new with that concept?